Thursday, September 13, 2007

1 comment:

  1. predawn,
    man dreams of bloody gods
    whose jealous wrath wrought pagan temples of gory death.
    essential sanguinary sacraments forced the morning's bloody rays to break and raised men to battle-glory unparalleled.
    a new Son is risen and, casting harshest light on all He sees brings hell and death to greater effect than even mighty Supay ever dreamed.
    this God is God.
    he brings disaster from the east and topples temples while slaying preists and building houses in His holy name to spread His Word and the sacrament of death.
    now the sun recedes in pools of blood over darkest deeds sated at last by the days long feed it sinks as it sips the remaining life that is offered up in the temples of strife below its single jealous, deadly eye.
